Project planning

Deliver projects within time and budget without complexity.
Awesome projects take time and effort to complete. So why overcomplicate things with difficult project management software? Teamleader Focus’s project management is designed to keep a tight grip on any project, while the built-in project planning feature guarantees an optimal use of your human resources.
Milestones and tasks to manage every project
Break your project up in milestones and tasks - and you're off. Assign different tasks to different people, and receive a notification when they’ve been completed - ideal for busy project managers. Save a project as a handy template to re-use later.
Accurate time tracking for profitable projects
Keep projects profitable by tracking the time spent on tasks and meetings. Set different hourly rates within one project and create a report with an overview of the work that’s already done. Put a fixed price on your project, or simply invoice based on tracked time.
Actionable insights on deadlines and budgets
Your project list tells you which projects are doing well and which ones need more attention. At any time during any project, Teamleader Focus also offers clarity on your people’s performance and shows you in detail if you’re within timing and budget.

External access through Projectcloud
With our personalisable Projectcloud platform, you can let both freelancers and customers check on the status of a project, review documents and give feedback. Customers can also view scheduled meetings or contact your employees. Of course, you get to decide who has access to what.

We wanted a CRM system to streamline our sales process. Teamleader Focus quickly proved the best option because of its user-friendliness and simplicity.

Insight in profit on projects
How much did you spend on resources, people, tasks? What will you earn? What can be optimised in future projects? Get a crystal-clear overview of costs, revenue and profit per project. Teamleader Focus gives you in-depth knowledge of the fruits of your labour.