Predict your future income with Teamleader’s Financial Forecast
To give your business that financial peace of mind, Teamleader just launched its Financial Forecast. With it, you get an accurate prediction of the incoming money, just like you do for your sales turnover. This way, you can confidently predict the money inflow in the coming months.
2020 was a strange year, and business might not have been as booming as you wanted it to be (although we hope for the opposite!). Luckily, we’ve been offering businesses more perspective since 2021. In this article, we'll focus on the Financial Forecast.
Knowing exactly how much money is coming in for the next few months hands you a powerful tool for your business needs. It allows you to:
- Make informed decisions on your business;
- Spend more time on your day-to-day work instead of manually calculating your future income;
- Keep track of business KPIs easily.
We dove deep into our users’ current processes to forecast their incoming money during our beta period. We immediately saw that people use different methods and definitions to create their predictions. While for one person, their revenue excludes VAT, others only count what their bank account states precisely. For some, a forecast shouldn’t include what’s already paid, for others, it’s an irreplaceable part of forecasting. That’s why we opted to make the view customisable to your needs.

This means you can adjust Teamleader’s Financial Forecast to your liking. You define what’s included; whether it’s draft invoices, paid invoices, credit notes or subscriptions - You’re the master of your own forecast. Would you rather see amounts including or excluding VAT? You got it! The best part: Teamleader saves your personal preferences, so you don’t need to adjust the forecast each time.
Pano Sign'Service had a chance to beta test the Financial Forecast. This is what they think:
"Before Teamleader's financial forecasts, I had to export all my figures and import them manually into Excel. I wasted a lot of time doing these actions. The figures were not up to date without manipulation and due to lack of time.
Thanks to Teamleader’s Financial Forecast, I have all the information I need in one solution. Knowing at a glance what’s already been paid and what’s still to come offers convenience and simplicity. The forecast automatically links all our invoices, so I can consult the cash income for the upcoming months whenever I like. It’s always up-to-date, flexible and saves me hours of time."
So stop wasting time with Excel sheets and examining bank statements or invoices.