Coming soon: Weekly Time Tracking
A decent operational performance is crucial for entrepreneurs and their businesses. But how do you measure that performance? Well, the basis for all calculations related to operation performance is time tracking. If you and your colleagues thoroughly track time, you can quickly gain more insight into your entire business’s efficiency and billability. However, we wouldn’t recommend focussing too much on billability alone. But that’s another discussion.
A lot of people find inputting time tracking to be a cumbersome process. We hope we already made it a bit more bearable with Teamleader Focus, but we’re always on the lookout for improvement. And the addition of Weekly Time Tracking will be a big help for a lot of customers.
One of the biggest frustrations of our customers we hear repeatedly is not being able to log multiple time entries at once. This is a selection in the feedback we regularly receive:
I would like to quickly add x number of days of 8 hours to my monthly timesheet but have to manually add 8 hours each day.
Tip for faster time tracking: a weekly schedule (line per project and column per day) where you can fill in your hours per day in one work session.
Timesheets take too long to fill out. I need 4 clicks per day while just filling in the same thing daily.
Another use case we frequently hear about is tracking time in the future, so you can bill your customer earlier for work expected to be done or keep better track of your planning.
For certain customers, I need to forward my invoice and time tracking earlier in the month.
Dear, Is there an option to enter timetracking in the future? This would be helpful to register the leave days already in advance.
You can't enter a time in the future; you have to choose everything every day even if it's the same every day.
The introduction of the Weekly Time Tracking fixes this. It offers a way to log time that fits the way of working for many users: focus on working during the weekdays and take a few minutes on Friday to fill out your timesheets for the past week. Weekly Time Tracking can be the only thing standing between you and the weekend.
Using Weekly Time Tracking, you can:
- Add time trackings for an entire week by duration in one go when adding from the timesheet overview
- Indicate the hours and minutes that you’ve worked for per day for a specific subject
- Track time in bulk for your colleagues by navigating to their timesheet overview
- See the totals of tracked time per day fill up as you indicate more and more hours worked
- Navigate between different weeks and add all entries in one go

Some lucky few customers are testing out Weekly Time Tracking as we speak. They’ll help us to fully understand their needs and create a solution that fits most of our customers.
Something we’re currently working on is adding suggestions, based on the work you did the past week. This will speed up the process even more. And yes, this was suggested by our customers as well:
Would be nice if Teamleader would suggest a project you are working on (based on what your agenda says or based on the latest projects you have been working on).
Is it possible to add suggestions based on the last visited pages?
Entering time tracking should be able to be faster. The most chosen tasks at the top or something like that.
The beta will be running for a couple of weeks while we gather feedback and implement improvements. We’ll let you know when the Weekly Time Tracking becomes available for your account.